About Malvern Treatment Centers
Malvern's Mission
Malvern Treatment Centers is the region's longest-tenured private addiction treatment provider. For 75 years, Malvern Treatment Centers has helped individuals and families struggling with addiction. We achieve treatment success through an unrivaled dedication to clinical care and innovative treatment solutions. We believe that holistic recovery is best served through a continuum of care. Malvern helps people through compassion and respect, inspiring hope and joy in recovery.

Mission Statement:
Malvern Treatment Centers provides focused recovery and compassionate care to individuals needing behavioral health support.
Vision Statement
Malvern Treatment Centers will deliver services of the highest standard which promote resiliency and wellness in the mind, body and spirit; understanding that every individual has a different journey to recovery.
Value Statement:
Malvern Treatment Centers values compassion and treating individuals with dignity and respect as an essential part of the treatment experience.
Our Core Values:
Compassion: The cornerstone of our values. We are genuinely concerned about our patients and place an emphasis on understanding them and their loved ones as well as the desire to help improve their lives.
Provision of Evidence-Based, Patient-Centered Treatment: The patient is an active participant in treatment. We will rely on data and proven treatment approaches and will incorporate what is meaningful and valuable to them in the overall treatment plan.
Respect: All patients deserve to be treated with dignity and an acknowledgment of their value as individuals.
Dignity: We appreciate and value the worth of a person by treating him/her with respect, autonomy, and privacy.
Teamwork: We accept our individual and team responsibilities and we meet our commitments to each other and to the organization.

Why Choose Us?
What Makes Malvern Great? Let our Alumni & Their Families Tell You! Hear what alumni, family and others have said about their experience at Malvern Treatment Center's Recovery Centers.
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A History of Excellence in Addiction Treatment
Malvern Treatment Center’s story began in Philadelphia in the 1940s. Alcoholics Anonymous recently entered the public eye and there was hope for the first time, of a real solution for alcoholism and addiction.
Enter Dr. C Dudley Saul, a local Philadelphia doctor who became convinced that AA could change the world. He began working tirelessly to help them succeed. In fact, Dr. Saul was instrumental in starting and growing Philadelphia’s first AA group.
Malvern’s Beginnings
One of Philadelphia AA’s earliest supporters was Dr. Saul, who believed a 12-step program could benefit recovering alcoholics. In 1946, Saul and Dr. C. Nelson Davis opened the C. Dudley Saul Clinic at St. Luke’s Hospital in Philadelphia. This was the first private alcoholic treatment center in the United States. In 1949, Saul and Davis moved the Saul Clinic from Philadelphia to Malvern and renamed it the Malvern Treatment Centers.
Malvern’s Growth & Expansion
In the 1980s, the Malvern campus expanded at King Road and doubled its treatment space to focus on providing the most innovative and effective substance abuse care in the country. Malvern has grown to include three residential detoxification and treatment facilities in Malvern, Willow Grove, and Philadelphia.
Under a Complete Evidence-Based Treatment Program
Today we provide an evidence-based, complete continuum of care for those affected by the disease of addiction. Under the Malvern umbrella, we operate two inpatient detox and rehabilitation centers, as well as multiple outpatient locations in the Delaware Valley.
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