Malvern Treatment Centers

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Admissions Process to Malvern Treatment Center's Inpatient Treatment

Malvern Treatment Centers offers a comprehensive assessment and admissions process.

An individual may be referred to us by any behavioral health professional. The process is simple: Any professional may call our Admissions Department at 610-MALVERN (610-625-8376), anytime between 7 am to 11 pm. If you are a clinical professional seeking substance abuse treatment for your patient, please be prepared to provide us with demographic information and supporting clinical data, and a member of our Admissions team will guide you through the process. Fax all available clinical and medical information to 484-329-6299. Our programs feature various levels of care to accommodate the severity of each patient’s needs.

An individual may also come in for a comprehensive evaluation. Please call us at 610-MALVERN (610-625-8376) to schedule this evaluation. Assessments typically take one to two hours and involve clinical interviews with a clinician or nurse and on occasion, a psychiatrist. Following the assessment, we will provide a treatment recommendation that may include inpatient/residential detox or residential rehab, or an ambulatory level of care at another treatment setting. If treatment at our facility is not appropriate, we will refer you to another agency or specialist who may better meet your needs.

Read more about What to Expect in Addiction Treatment.

Malvern Treatment Centers will consider the following populations, priority admissions. If an admission cannot occur for a priority population referral treatment alternatives will be provided.

1. Pregnant injection drug users
2. Pregnant substance users
3. Injection drug users
4. Overdose survivors
5. Veterans