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Kratom: Experts warn over-the-counter supplement can be dangerous, addictive

April 22, 2021 – New data from the CDC shows overdose deaths surged across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One death in Chester County has a local detective concerned about a herbal supplement that just about anyone can buy in stores or online – kratom.

It can be addictive and lead to the use of drugs. When mixed with other drugs, it can be deadly.

Kratom is an herbal supplement that you can legally buy and sell in the United States. It’s sold in powder, pill, and liquid form.

Kratom is not considered a controlled substance by the FDA.

“It sends a message that it’s not that harmful, it’s not a problem to use,” said Dr. Peter Swanljung. “They don’t realize it can cause physical dependence and cause withdrawal.”

Dr. Swanljung is the Chief of Psychiatry with Malvern Health Inc. where they provide programs and facilities for behavioral health treatment.

Read more on Fox 29.